Research Article

A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status of Patients on Haemodialysis Maintenance Therapy in a Country of Sub-Saharan Africa

Table 4

The anthropometric markers (median) split by attainment of relevant reference ranges of dietary intakes (n = 42), dialysis adequacy (n = 50), and inflammation status (n = 62) for adults on haemodialysis in one Tanzanian centre.

BMI (kg/m2)HGS (kg)MAMC (cm)FMI (kg/m2)LMI (kg/m2)

Protein (g/kgwt/d) [4]
<1.122. 5 (20.4, 28.5)18.7 (15.5, 25.0)22.9 (20.9, 25.6)5.7 (2.5, 11.7)17.70 (15.45, 18.8)
≥1.120.9 (19.2, 24.1)22.7 (16.9, 30.9)21.6 (19.0, 24.8)1.9 (1.6, 5.2)17.50 (17.1, 19.8)
#(p, effect size)0.17, −0.220.32, −0.170.22, −0.210.06, −0.290.41, −0.13
¥(r, p)−0.47, <0.010.09, 0.62−0.52, <0.01−0.39, 0.02−0.14, 0.41
Energy (kcal/kgwt/d) [4]
<3022.6 (21.1, 28.9)18.3 (14.2, 25.0)24.0 (21.3, 25.9)6.4 (2.5, 12.3)17.7 (15.9, 18.9)
≥3020.9 (18.7, 24.1)21.1 (19.1, 30.9)21.4 (19.0, 23.5)3.1 (1.7, 5.2)17.4 (14.4, 18.8)
#(p, effect size)0.04, −0.330.11, −0.270.02, −0.390.08, −0.280.60, −0.08
¥(r, p)−0.47, <0.010.25, 0.15−0.46, <0.01−0.37, 0.02−0.20, 0.23
URR (%) [25]
≤6523.8 (21.0, 26.6)21.5 (12.8, 29.9)25.2 (23.1, 28.0)3.5 (1.2, 7.6)18.8 (17.9, 22.9)
>6522.1 (19.5, 26.2)18.6 (15.3, 24.2)22.3 (20.6, 24.4)4.3 (1.9, 11.2)17.1 (15.3, 18.5)
#(p, effect size)0.45, −0.110.46, −0.110.01, −0.450.44, −0.120.01, −0.38
¥(r, p)−0.18, 0.250.04, 0.81−0.43, <0.01−0.15, 0.33−0.10, 0.54
C-RP (mg/l) [26]
<523.4 (20.5, 26.4)20.1 (16.8, 28.2)23.4 (22.0, 25.6)4.1 (1.9, 9.4)18.0 (15.5, 19.5)
≥522.6 (20.5, 26.2)19.1 (13.7, 26.1)23.7 (20.4, 25.6)2.8 (0, 6.4)18.8 (16.9, 22.0)
#(p, effect size)0.89, −0.020.37, −0.120.56, −0.080.26, −0.150.32, −0.13
¥(r, p)0.06, 0.68−0.02, 0.890.03, 0.83−0.03, 0.810.13, 0.33

URR = urea reduction ration; C-RP = C-reactive protein; [24] UK Renal Association; [25] National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative; #Mann–Whitney test; ¥covariate correlation coefficient.