Research Article

COVID-19 Infection Clinical Profile, Management, Outcome, and Antibody Response in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Single Centre Experience

Table 2

Laboratory investigations in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19.

Laboratory investigationNumber (N)Mean (SD)Min–max

Oxygen saturation (SpO2; %)6793.36 (5.4)75–99
Lymphocyte (×109/L)6412.68 (7.38)1.0–45.70
Haemoglobin (gm%; Hb)6711.14 (2.05)6.7–15.25
Total leucocyte count (TLC; cells/mm3)679999 (4032)4367–21433
Platelet count (×109/L)67203.5 (76.5)37.3–391
Blood urea (mg/dL)6777.27 (38.3)21.06–178.0
Serum creatinine (mg/dL)662.04 (1.31)0.78–6.47
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (IU/L)6130.32 (11.62)11.5–72.0
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT; IU/L)6233.86 (18.7)8.0–93.5
Serum albumin (gm/dL)633.55 (0.64)1.8–4.7
Glycosylated haemoglobin (HBA1c; %)317.08 (1.58)5.0–11.9