Research Article

CX3CR1 at V249M and T280M Gene Polymorphism and Its Potential Risk for End-Stage Renal Diseases in Egyptian Patients

Table 2

Comparison of fractalkine V2491 and T280M genotypes between patients and control.

ESRD (n = 100)Healthy control (n = 100)OR (95%)

GG n (%)69 [69%]83 [83%]1.5 [1.03–2.3] = 0.03
GA n (%)30 [30%]15 [15%]
AA n (%)1 [1%]2 [2%]
G n (%)168 [84%]181 [90.5%] = 0.05
A n (%)32 [16%]19 [9.5%]

TT n (%)70 [70%]86 [86%]1.7 [1.1–2.7] = 0.01
TA n (%)29 [29%]13 [13%]
AA n (%)1 [1%]1 [1%]
T n (%)169 [84.5%]185 [92.5%] = 0.01
A n (%)31 [15.5%]15 [7.5%]

For genotypes. For alleles.