Research Article

Common Glomerular Diseases in Adult Jordanians: A Single-Center Experience

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the studied patients with comparison in their features between male and female patients.

Overall (n = 106)Male (n = 49)Female (n = 57)

Age (years)34 ± 12.735.02 ± 11.333.14 ± 13.8
Creatinine (umol/L)198 ± 232279.94 ± 288129.02 ± 139.7
GFR at presentation (ml/Min/1.73 m2)66 ± 4362.37 ± 4570.14 ± 41.9
Renal disease severity
 Mild54 (50.9%)21 (38.8%)33 (61.2%)
 Moderate23 (21.6%)15 (51.7%)14 (48.3%)
 Severe29 (27.3%)13 (56.5%)10 (43.4%)
Acuity of renal impairment
 Acute32 (30.1%)15 (47%)17 (53%)
 Chronic74 (69.8%)34 (46%)40 (54%)
Indication of kidney biopsy
 Hematuria with proteinuria12 (11.3%)7 (58.3%)5 (41.7%)
 Unexplained renal impairment32 (33.9%)11 (30.5%)25 (69.5%)
 Proteinuria alone58 (54.7%)31 (53.4%)27 (46.5%)
 Presence of hematuria49 (53.7%)26 (53%)23 (47%)
 No evidence of hematuria57 (46.2%)23 (40.3%)34 (59.7%)
Degree of proteinuria
 Nephrotic range41 (38.6%)23 (56%)18 (44%)
 Subnephrotic range52 (49%)22 (42.3%)30 (57.6%)
 No evidence of proteinuria13 (12.2%)4 (30.7%)9 (69.2)