Research Article

Predictive Factors, Treatment, and Outcomes of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcal Peritonitis in Malaysian Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Single-Center Study

Table 4

Antimicrobial agents prescribed for CoNS peritonitis (N = 140).

AntibioticsFirst peritonitis (N = 96)Relapsed peritonitis (N = 15)Repeat peritonitis (N = 29)Overall (N = 140)
Empirical therapyDefinitive therapyEmpirical therapyDefinitive therapyEmpirical therapyDefinitive therapyEmpirical therapyDefinitive therapy

Gram-positive coverage
 Cefazolin65 (68%)18 (19%)3 (20%)020 (69%)7 (24%)88 (63%)25 (18%)
 Cloxacillin27 (28%)24 (25%)3 (20%)2 (13%)5 (17%)3 (10%)35 (25%)29 (21%)
 Vancomycin2 (2%)53 (55%)8 (53%)11 (74%)4 (14%)19 (66%)14 (10%)83 (59%)
 Others2 (2%)1 (1%)1 (7%)2 (13%)003 (2%)3 (2%)
Gram-negative coverage
Ceftazidime94 (98%)NA11 (73%)NA28 (97%)NA133 (95%)NA
 Gentamicin92 (96%)81 (84%)14 (93%)14 (93%)27 (93%)25 (86%)133 (95%)120 (86%)
 Amikacin3 (3%)12 (13%)002 (7%)3 (11%)5 (4%)15 (11%)
 Not given1 (1%)3 (3%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (3%)2 (1%)5 (3%)

Others include cefepime, linezolid, meropenem, piperacillin/tazobactam, rifampicin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. NA, not applicable as ceftazidime was discontinued once CoNS was isolated from peritoneal dialysate samples.