Research Article

Predictive Factors, Treatment, and Outcomes of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcal Peritonitis in Malaysian Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Single-Center Study

Table 5

Outcomes of CoNS peritonitis.

Outcomes of CoNS peritonitisTypes of CoNS peritonitis (N = 140)P values (overall chi-square test)
First (n = 95)Relapsed (n = 15)Repeat (n = 30)

Primary response89 (94%)11 (73%)26 (87%)0.04
Complete cure83 (87)7 (47)20 (67)<0.01
Relapsed7 (8%)4 (33%)6 (25%)0.01
Repeat18 (20%)1 (8%)4 (17%)0.60
Catheter removal6 (6%)4 (27%)3 (10%)0.04
Conversion to long-term HD5 (5%)3 (20%)2 (7%)0.13
Death1 (1%)03 (10%)0.03

CoNS, coagulase-negative Staphylococci; HD, haemodialysis. Excluded cases who passed away or were converted to HD permanently due to refractory peritonitis (126 cases were included for analysis).