Research Article

Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation for Glaucoma Detection from Blur Retinal Images Using Improved Mask-RCNN

Algorithm 1

Steps for OD and OC segmentation with custom Mask-RCNN.
INPUT: NS, annotation (orientation)
OUTPUT: Localized RoI, CMskDenseNet-77
  NS : Total image samples containing.
  annotation (orientation): Mask coordinates of the glaucoma regions in the retinal image
  Localized RoI : Region placement
  CMskDenseNet-77- : Custom Mask-RCNN network with DenseNe-77 key points
SampleResolution ← [x y]
 // Computing Mask
µ← AnchorsComputation (NS, annotation)
 // Customized MaskRCNN model
 CMskDenseNet-77← DesignCustomDenseNet-77MaskRCNN (SampleResolution, µ)
[ Sr, St] ← database division into train and test section
// Glaucoma Region recognition from Training part
For each sample f in ⟶Sr
  Compute DenseNet-77 keypoints ⟶ns
End For
 Training CMskDenseNet-77over ns, and compute training time t_dense
∂_dense ← PreRegionLoc(ns)
Ap_dense ← Evaluate_AP (DenseNet-77, ∂_dense)
For each sample F in ⟶ St
 (a) compute features by employing trained model ¥⟶βI
  (b) [Mask, objectness_score, classLabel] ←Predict (βI)
  (c) Output sample along with Mask, class
  (d) ∂← [∂ Mask]
End For
Ap_¥← Evaluate framework ¥ using ∂