Review Article

Cochlear Implantation in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma in the Only Hearing Ear

Table 2

Case reports on cochlear implantation and vestibular schwannoma resection regardless of the approach or timing between surgeries.

AuthorPatients no.AgeApproachRadiationTime to implantation (m)Cause HLFollowup (m)Cochlear implant PTA dBSpeech testsTelephoneDaily useEPT after VS resection (m)

Hoffman et al. [12] 1992130RSNo4NF212NASRT 53 dB SPL, SDT 43 dB SPL. MAC open set scores: spondees 40%, NU-6 word score 32%, NU-6 phoneme 53%, CID 72%.YesNAEPS 2 m +

Arriaga and Marks [10] 1995165TLNoSOT,VS1025NANAYesNA

Hulka et al. [31] 1995131RSNo2NF2335NANAYesEPS 1.5 m +

Tono et al. [32] 1996148MFNo15NF217NATests with lipreading: MR 60%, WR 70%, SR 81%. Tests without lip reading: MR 24%, WR 62%, SR 43%.YesNAEPS 1 m +

Temple et al. [33] 1999115MFNo9NF212NASRos 100%, 2WPR 70%, 3-4WPR 60%.NANAEPS 1.5 m +

Graham et al. [34] 1999134RSNo84NF210NACUNY with lip reading 97%, BKB 34%, ESR 63%.NAYesEPS 84 m +

Ahsan et al. [35] 2003153TLNoSNF2NANANANANANA

Nölle et al. [36] 2003116RSNo24NF224NASRos: 88%NANAEPS +

TL: translabyrinthine; NA: nonavailable; MF: middle fossa; RS: retrosigmoid; S: simultaneous; NF2: neurofibromatosis type 2; VS: vestibular schwannoma; SRT: speech reception threshold; SDT: speech detection threshold; MAC: minimal auditory capabilities; NU: Northwestern University; CID: Central Institute for the Deaf sentences of everyday speech; MR: monosyllables recognition; WR: word recognition; SR: sentence recognition; EPT: electrical promontory test; EPS: Electrical promontory stimulation; CNAP: compound action potential; SRos: sentence recognition open set; 2WPR: 2 word phrases recognition; 3-4WPR: three-to-four word phrases recognition; CUNY: City University of New York sentences in noise; BKB: BKB sentences in quiet without lip reading; ESR: environmental sound recognition. Bold letters patients who initially had negative promontory stimulation.