Review Article

Sinonasal Malignancies and Charged Particle Radiation Treatment: A Systematic Literature Review

Table 5

Results of studies focusing on toxicity.

ReferenceToxicityMedian time (months, range)GradeDmax to affected OARs, Gy (RBE) (median, range)Risk factors

Jensen, et al., 2011 [45]7/29na1G3 mucositis: 5
1G3 dysphagia: 2

Demizu et al., 2009 [46]Carbon: 1/10
Proton: 4/422
C: 52
P: 34.5 (26–39)
Counting fingers or more severeON: 1293
ON: 1183, (61–126)
4UA: Age > 60 years; DM, Dmax 110 Gy (RBE)

Hasegawa et al., 2006 [47]7/14524 (10–41)Complete visual lossON: 57.6, (57.6–64)4UA: MG, CMT, anemia, DM, TD, Dmax to ON, D10-50,
MA: D20 > 60 Gy (RBE)

Weber et al., 2006 [48]13/36
5-years ≥G2:
31.5 (6.4–91)6G1: 5
G2: 6
G3: 2 (CA, NLB)
ON: 54.7, (47.8–80)
OC: 52.1, (26.2–56.4)
GTV Dose
OC: D90 and D50
ON: D10
Younger Age

Miyawaki et al., 2009 [49]C: 2/5
P: 3/23
C: 27.5 (19–36)
P: 31 (6–49)
7C: G1: 1, G3: 1
7P: G1, G2, G3: 1
C, Dmin: 27.53 (102.4–110.6)
P, Dmin: 117.13 (59.4–117.1)
4Carbon ions, Dose 80 Gy (RBE)3,
Volumes > 83, 90, 100 Gy (RBE)3

1CTCAE versus 4.0, 2One patient experienced bilateral vision loss, 3Doses are expressed in biologically equivalent dose (BED) at α/β = 3, 4Data refer to a wider group of patients with head and neck malignancies, 5Two patients had bilateral visual loss, 6Dry-eye syndrome and epiphora were evaluated with CTCAE v.2.0, all the others with LENT/SOMA, 7CTCAE v. 3.0, OARs: organs at risk, C: carbon ions, P: protons, na: not applicable, ON: optic nerve, OC: optic chiasm, DM: diabetes mellitus, MG: male gender, TD: tumor dose, CMT: chemotherapy, UA: univariate analysis, MA: multivariate analysis, CA: cataract, NLB: nasolacrimal duct blockage, D10, 20, 50, 90: dose to the 10%–20%–50%–90% of the organ considered.