Research Article

Head and Neck Cancer in Haiti: A Case Series from Hopital de L’Universite d’Etat d’Haiti

Table 1

Patient presentation and demographics.

VariableCancer (n=8)Benign (n=10)All (n=34)P-Value

Age (mean)63.444.347.90.02
Male5 (62.5%)5 (50%)15 (44.1%)0.48
Literate3 (37.5%)8 (80%)24 (70.6%)0.09
Months to Presentation (mean)10.913.711.430.77
Hx of HIV/AIDS1 (12.5%)02 (5.9%)0.44
 Fever2 (25%)1 (10%)5 (14.7%)0.56
 Weight Loss4 (50%)5 (50%)17 (50%)0.68
 Dysphagia2 (25%)5 (50%)14 (41.2%)0.28
Lesion Location:
 oral cavity3 (37.5%)3 (30%)8 (23.5%)0.56
 oropharynx3 (37.5%)3 (30%)9 (26.5%)0.56
 mandible01 (10%)2 (5.9%)0.56
 neck1 (12.5%)2 (20%)10 (29.4%)0.59
 larynx1 (12.5%)1 (10%)5 (14.7%)0.71

All includes patients with cancer diagnoses, those with benign diagnoses, and those lost to follow who did not receive a biopsy.
p-value denotes comparisons between the cancer and benign groups.