Research Article

A Ten-Year Review of Audiological Performance in Children with Inner Ear Abnormalities after Cochlear Implantation in Singapore

Table 1

Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing CI.

Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing CI

Age at CI (years)
Mean4.05 ± 3.17 years (range 1–18)
 <331 (44.29%)
 3–626 (37.14%)
 >613 (18.57%)
 Male38 (54.29%)
 Female32 (45.71%)
Abnormal CT scan20 (28.57%)
 CSF gush15 (57.69%)
 Facial nerve injury0 (0%)
Speech and hearing before CI
 Poor IT-MAIS score9/20 (45.00%)
 Poor speech (imitate sounds, or babbles)8/20 (40.00%)
 Unclear speech3/20 (15.00%)
Speech and hearing after CI
 Reintegration into mainstream11/20 (55.00%)
 School for special needs children5/20 (25.00%)
 Poor response4/20 (20.00%)

CI: cochlear implant; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CT scan: computed tomography scan; IT- MAIS: Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale.