Research Article

The Effect of Endoscopic Olfactory Cleft Opening on Obstructed Olfactory Cleft Disease

Table 1

Comparison of preoperative and postoperative olfactory function.

PreoperativePostoperativeP value

Mean PEA threshold (42)−1.5268 ± 1.05623−4.0476 ± 2.82096<0.0001
Sinus surgery history
 Without a prior sinus surgery (26) mean PEA threshold−1.5962 ± 0.96586−4.0625 ± 3.04205<0.0001
 With a prior sinus surgery (16) mean PEA threshold−1.4141 ± 1.22875−4.0234 ± 2.567510.001
Etiology of olfactory cleft obstruction
 Anatomic anomaly (14) mean PEA threshold−1.2768 ± 0.69021−2.7411 ± 2.418110.050
 Inflammatory process (14) mean PEA threshold−1.8036 ± 1.45915−4.8929 ± 3.017920.001
 Anatomic anomaly and inflammatory process (14) mean PEA threshold−1.5 ± 0.89738−4.5089 ± 2.758930.002

Number of patients.