Clinical Study

The Long-Term Effects of Prematurity and Intrauterine Growth Restriction on Cardiovascular, Renal, and Metabolic Function

Table 2

Maternal characteristics of children at birth and at the time of study in 4 groups.

Prem-SGA Prem-AGA Term-SGA Term-AGA

Preeclampsia in index 12 (86%)3 (12%)2 (29%)4 (16%) .001
Maternal gestational 0001 (4%).6
 Secondary5 (36%) 9 (36%)2 (29%) 1 (4%).04
 Tertiary9 (64%)16 (64%)5 (71%)24 (96%)
Maternal 1 (7%)2 (8%)1 (14%)1 (4%).8

At Birth.
At the Time of Study.
For comparisons between 4 groups, chi-square tests were used.