Clinical Study

Is the Time Necessary to Obtain Preoperative Stabilization a Predictive Index of Outcome in Neonatal Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia?

Table 1

Perinatal data of 77 patients affected by CDH.

Patient characteristics

Male/female49 (63.6%)/28 (36.4%)
Birth weight (gr) (range 4300-1800)
Gestational age at delivery (wk) (range 42–32)
Term/preterm delivery40 (52%)/37 (48%)
Left/right side67 (87%)/10 (13%)
Inborn/outborn71 (92.2%)/6 (7.8%)
Prenatal diagnosis68 (88.3%)
Associated anomalies18 (23.4%)
Associated congenital heart diseases4 (5.2%)