Research Article

Evaluation of Functional Electrical Stimulation to Assist Cycling in Four Adolescents with Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Table 1

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation.


(i) 10–18 years of age(i) Diagnosis of athetoid or ataxic CP
(ii) Diagnosis of spastic diplegic or quadriplegic CP(ii) Significant scoliosis with primary curve >40 degrees
(iii) GMFCS level III (walks with assistive device; may use a wheelchair for long distances) or IV (self-mobility with limitations; transported or uses power mobility in the community)(iii) Spinal fusion extending into the pelvis
(iv) Sufficient covering of the femoral head in the acetabulum (MIGR% < 40%)(iv) Severe tactile hypersensitivity
(v) Adequate range of motion of the hips, knees, and ankles to allow pedaling(v) Joint instability or dislocation in the lower extremities
(vi) Sufficient visuoperceptual skills and cognition/communication skills to participate in cycling trials(vi) Surgery, traumatic or stress fractures in the last year
(vii) Seizure-free or well-controlled seizures(vii) Botulinum toxin injections in the LE muscles in the past 6 months
(viii) Willingness to participate in testing at Shriners Hospital for Children, Philadelphia(viii) Severe spasticity of the leg muscles (e.g., a score of >4 on the Modified Ashworth Scale)
(ix) Ability to communicate pain or discomfort with testing procedures(ix) Joint pain or discomfort during cycling
(x) Ability to obtain parent/guardian consent and child assent/consent(x) Severely limited range of motion/irreversible muscle contractures that prevent the subject from being able to be safely positioned on the cycling
(xi) History of pulmonary disease limiting exercise tolerance (Asthma Control Test screen) or history of known cardiac disease (American Heart Association Screen)
(xii) Pregnancy