Research Article

Factors Associated with Acute Malnutrition among Children Admitted to a Diarrhoea Treatment Facility in Bangladesh

Table 2

Characteristics (attributes) of the cases (wasted) and controls (nonwasted) children.


Child’s age > 1 year: (%)67 (37.6)62 (22.9) 0.001
Girls: (%)74 (41.6)99 (36.5)0.283
Did not receive BCG: (%)5 (2.8)1 (0.4) 0.038
Did not receive pentavalent/polio vaccine
(or received less than age appropriate doses): (%)
16 (9.0)23 (8.5)0.984
Did not receive measles vaccine (among >9 months old; cases and 142 controls): (%)31 (28.4)26 (18.3) 0.041
Predominant breastfeeding stopped before 4 months: (%)76 (42.7)85 (31.4) 0.010
Teenaged mother (<20 years): (%)23 (13.4)21 (7.9) 0.045
Shorter mother (height < 1.5 meters): (%)86 (54.4)110 (44.5) 0.033
Undernourished mother (BMI < 18.5): (%)52 (32.5)37 (14.9) <0.001
Illiterate or less educated (<5 years’ schooling) mother: (%)101 (56.7)88 (32.5) <0.001
Mother working outside of the home: (%)15 (8.4)12 (4.4)0.063
Divorced/widowed mother: (%)16 (9.0)3 (1.1) <0.001
Younger father (age < 25 years): (%)44 (25.4)37 (14.3) 0.003
Illiterate or less educated (<5 years’ schooling) father: (%)92 (52.6)72 (27.0) <0.001
Father with low-paid job: (%)
(e.g., rickshaw puller or day labourer): (%)
149 (83.7)139 (51.3) <0.001
Monthly income < 10000 takaa: (%)121 (70.3)136 (51.5) <0.001
Using unsanitary latrine: (%)10 (5.6)3 (1.1) 0.006
Child worn any thread or amulet: (%)94 (53.1)157 (57.9)0.331
Child worn kajalb at the side of fore head: (%)139 (78.1)219 (80.8)0.549

All data are expressed as number (%). aTaka (Bangladeshi currency: 1 UD$ = 80 taka, average rate during the study period); ba black mark/line used over eyelash by females and side of forehead in some children in Indo-Pak subcontinent.