Research Article

Off-Label Medicine Use in Pediatric Inpatients: A Prospective Observational Study at a Tertiary Care Hospital in India

Table 1

Off-label medicine use categories.

Sr. numberCategoryReason for off-label useExamples based on NFI.

1Dose Dose higher than recommendedOnce daily dosing of gentamicin in children
2Age Drug not recommended in the patient below a certain ageLosartan used in children under 6 years
3IndicationDrug prescribed for indications outside of those listed in the NFIDiclofenac for abdominal pain
4Route of administrationDrug administered by a route not described in the NFIAdrenaline through inhalation route
5Absence of pediatric information (PI)No mention at all in the NFI regarding pediatric useNifedipine for hypertension

NFI: National Formulary of India, 2011 [10].