Clinical Study

Neonatal Thrombocytopenia after Perinatal Asphyxia Treated with Hypothermia: A Retrospective Case Control Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population.

Hypothermia group Control group value

Birth weight—grams*3446 (625)3352 (606).45
Gestational age—weeks*39.4 (1.55)39.8 (1.85).28
Male gender— (%)27 (50%)18 (39%).28
Caesarean delivery— (%)27 (50%)28 (61%).28
Vacuum extraction— (%)16 (30%)15 (33%).75
Forceps delivery— (%) 2 (4%)3 (7%).66
Shoulder dystocia— (%)4 (7%)1 (2%).37
Apgar at 5 min ≤ 5— (%)51 (96%)31 (67%).00
Arterial cord blood/blood gas
 pH <7.0— (%)39 (72%)34 (74%).85
 Base excess ≤−16 mmol/L— (%)33 (61%)24 (52%).37
 Lactate >10 mmol/L— (%)33 (61%)22 (48%).18

*Value given as mean (SD).