Research Article

Peristeen   Transanal Irrigation System for Paediatric Faecal Incontinence: A Single Centre Experience

Table 1

Faecal continence scoring system (Rintala and lindahl, 1995, [10]).

Ability to hold back defecation
 Problems less than 1/week2
 Weekly problems1
 No voluntary control0
Feels/reports the urge to defecate
 Most of the time2
Frequency of defecation
 Every other day to twice a day2
 More often1
 Less often1
 Staining less than 1/week, no change of underwear required 2
 Frequent staining, change of underwear often required1
 Daily soiling requires protective aids0
 Fewer than 1/week2
 Weekly accidents often require protective aids1
 Daily accidents require protective aids during day and night0
 No constipation3
 Manageable with diet2
 Manageable with laxatives1
 Manageable with enemas0
Social problems
 No social problems3
 Sometimes (foul odors)2
 Problems causing restrictions in social life1
 Severe social and/or psychic problems0