Research Article

Posttransfusion Haematocrit Equilibration: Timing Posttransfusion Haematocrit Check in Neonates at the National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria

Table 3

Mean target PCV versus mean observed posttransfusion PCV.

Posttransfusion time (hours) Mean (SD) target-mean observed PCV (SD)95% confidence intervaldfSignificant level (2-tailed)

1 hour−2.44 (6.68)−4.88 to −0.029−2.06310.048
6 hours−2.38 (6.46)−4.70 to −0.046−2.08310.046
12 hours−1.45 (5.66)−3.49 to 0.59−1.46310.157
24 hours−0.64 (5.25)−2.53 to 1.25−0.69310.495
48 hours−0.38 (5.14)−2.23 to 1.48−0.41310.683