Research Article

Perceived Body Image, Eating Behavior, and Sedentary Activities and Body Mass Index Categories in Kuwaiti Female Adolescents

Table 2

General characteristics by type of school (public versus private).

VariablePublicPrivate value

Body dissatisfaction (satisfied)39 (33.3)18 (39.1).530
Desired BMI (20.9)46 (38.7)25 (52.1).279
Perceived BMI (23.1)29 (24.4)9 (19.6).439
Perceived engagement in physical activity (yes)83 (68.6)34 (70.8).776
Perceived eating behavior (good-excellent)59 (49.2)25 (52.1).864
Television viewing (3-4 hrs/wk)35 (28.9)12 (25.0).524
Computer/video use (5.5–17 hrs/wk)22 (18.2)18 (37.5).017

Data are N (%). Columns with the same letter have no significant differences.