Research Article

Fecal Microbiota and Diet of Children with Chronic Constipation

Table 2

General characteristics of the sample.

VariablesConstipated children (39) (%)Nonconstipated children (40) (%)Total

Sex (%) 0.305
 Female15 (38.5)21 (52.5)36 (45.6)
 Male24 (61.5)19 (47.5)43 (54.4)

Age (months)16.7 ± 8.315.6 ± 6.70.532

Nutritional status (%)0.597
 Underweight/normal31 (79.5)28 (71.8)59 (75.6)
 Overweight/obese8 (20.5)11 (28.2)19 (24.4)

Delivery (%)0.084
 Vaginal12 (30.8)21 (52.5)33 (41.8)
 Caesarean27 (69.2)19 (47.5)46 (58.2)

Premature (%)1.00
 Yes3 (7.7)3 (7.5)6 (7.6)
 No36 (92.3)37 (92.5)73 (92.4)

Family history of constipation (%)0.016
 Yes28 (71.8)17 (42.5)45 (57)
 No11 (28.2)23 (57.5)34 (43)

Breastfeeding duration (days)120 (60; 240)270 (180; 360)0.006

Mean ± standard deviation. Pearson’s chi-square test. Fisher’s exact test. Student’s -test. Median and percentiles (25th and 75th), Mann-Whitney test.