Research Article

Chronic Pain in Children: A Look at the Referral Process to a Pediatric Pain Clinic

Table 5

Therapeutic interventions recommended by our team with outcomes (CAM: Complementary Alternative Medicine).

New recommendationsImprovementLost to follow-up

CAM148 (57%)3 (21%)
CAM + psychotherapy2514 (56%)3 (8%)
Admission in Chronic Pain Rehabilitation program75 (71%)0
Referral to surgical services74 (57%)1 (14%)
Referral to medical services3ā€‰3 (100%)
Spinal cord stimulator, pump for intrathecal delivery of morphine22 (100%)0
Local or epidural infiltration with steroids42 (50%)1 (25%)
Referral to physical therapy31 (33%)0
Antidepressant76 (86%)0
New opioid-anticonvulsant31 (33%)1 (33%)
Total7543 (57%)12 (16%)