Research Article

Determinants of Neural Tube Defects among Newborns in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 2

The maternal obstetric, behavioral, and newborn-related conditions, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2019.

Predictor variablesCategory of variablesCasesControls, value
(%) (%)

Multipara82 (64.6)163 (64.2)0.015,
Primipara45 (35.4)91 (35.8)

ANC follow-up for this index pregnancy
Yes108 (85.0)240 (94.5)9.56,
No19 (15.0)14 (5.5)

Gestational age at birth
<37 weeks11 (8.7)21 (8.3)0.017,
≥37 weeks116 (91.3)233 (91.7)

Folic acid supplemented prior to or during pregnancy
No99 (77.9)125 (49.2)28.87,
Yes28 (22.1)129 (50.8)

Planned pregnancy
Yes51 (40.2)93 (36.6)0.45,
No76 (59.8)161 (63.4)

Previous history of NTDs
No48 (37.8)182 (71.7)40.57,
Yes79 (62.2)72 (28.3)

Medical problems during this pregnancy (PROM, DM, HTN, HIV, UTI, etc.)
Yes18 (14.2)19 (7.5)4.33,
No109 (85.8)235 (92.5)

Previous adverse birth outcomes (stillbirth, PTB, LBW, abortion, and SGA)
Yes25 (19.7)32 (12.6)3.34,
No102 (80.3)222 (87.4)

Substance use during pregnancy (drugs, alcohol, khat, and cigarette)
Yes27 (29.1)23 (9.1)25.73,
No90 (70.9)231 (90.9)

Onset of labor
Spontaneous115 (90.6)238 (93.7)1.23,
Induced12 (9.4)16 (6.3)

Mode of delivery
SVD105 (82.7)224 (88.2)2.23,
C-section14 (11.0)19 (7.5)
Instrumental assisted delivery8 (6.3)11 (4.3)

Weight of the newborn
<250087 (68.5)9 (3.5)189.56,
≥250040 (31.5)245 (96.5)

Key: DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; HIV, human immune virus; UTI, urinary tract infection; PROM, premature rupture of membrane; PTB, preterm birth; LBW, low birth weight; SGA, small for gestational age; ANC, antenatal care; NTD, neural tube defects.