Research Article

Paediatric Contacts of Adult COVID-19 Patients: Clinical Parameters, Risk Factors, and Outcome

Table 2

Characteristics of the paediatric contacts and the risk factors associated with development of symptoms.

SymptomaticAsymptomaticStatistical significance

Males ()1758ns
Females ()1052
Age in years6.7 (±3.9)6.6 (±3.5)ns
Weight in kg, mean (±SD)16 (±7.8)22 (±10)ns
Duration of contact, days, mean (±SD)4.1 (±0.8)4.2 (±1)ns
Fathers’ education, (%)ns
 Uneducated01 (1%)
 Primary2 (7%)5 (5%)
 High school7 (26%)25 (23%)
 College graduate6 (22%)46 (42%)
 Masters3 (11%)23 (21%)
 Doctor9 (33%)10 (9%)
Mothers’ education, (%)ns
 Uneducated1 (4%)3 (3%)
 Primary3 (11%)21 (19%)
 High school8 (30%)25 (23%)
 College graduate8 (30%)49 (45%)
 Masters2 (7%)4 (4%)
 Doctor5 (19%)4 (4%)
 Nurse04 (4%)
Symptoms, (%)
 Fever25 (92%)0
 Cough18 (67%)0
 Diarrhea5 (19%)0
 Headache3 (11%)0
 Flu-like symptoms3 (11%)0
 Burning eyes2 (7%)0
BCG vaccinated, (%)27 (100%)104 (95%)ns
Influenza vaccinated, (%)4 (15%)7 (6%)
History of respiratory illness, (%)4 (15%)3 (3%)0.01
History of cardiac illness, (%)2 (7%)2 (2%)ns
History of recurrent infections, (%)4 (15%)2 (2%)0.015
History of hematinic use, (%)4 (15%)5 (5%)0.002
Test done-public contact tracing, 619ns
Test done privately, 1141ns
Positive tests, (public & private)15 (5 & 10)6 (0 & 6)0.002

Logistic regression with symptoms as dependent variable. n: number of cases; SD: standard deviation.