Research Article

Fetal Malnutrition and Associated Factors among Term Newborn Babies at Birth in South Gondar Zone Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Obstetric factors of the mothers in South Gondar zone hospitals, northwest Ethiopia, 2020.


Pregnancy interval
 <12 months845.3
 12-23 months24415.3
 24-59 months96760.7
 ≥60 months29718.7
Number of ANC visits
 No visit1348.4
 1 visit1267.9
 2 visits28718.0
 3 visits47730.0
 4 visits56835.7
Placental weight
 <512 grams60938.3
 ≥512 grams98361.7
Height of mother
 <150 centimeters25516.0
 ≥150 centimeters133784.0