Research Article

Comparative Study of Chikungunya Only and Chikungunya-Scrub Typhus Coinfection in Children: Findings from a Hospital-Based Observational Study from Central Nepal

Table 3

Clinicolaboratory parameters.

Only chikungunya ()
Mean (min–max)
Chikungunya and scrub typhus ()
Mean (min–max)
Total cases ()
Mean (min–max)

Hemoglobin (gm/dl)11.0 (8.5–13.5)10.9 (8.4–13.9)11.0 (8.4–13.9)
PCV33.6 (25.0–40.7)32.7 (25.1–41.0)33.2 (25.0–41.0)
Total count (cells/mm3)8032 (2300–21200)13171 (2300–3500)10112 (2300–35000)
Neutrophil (%)57 (1.0–88)69 (38–87)61 (17–88)
Lymphocytes (%)37 (1–71)30 (9–60)34 (1–71)
Platelet counts (cells/mm3)195760 (77000–497000)131294 (14000–378000)169667 (14000–497000)
Bilirubin total (mg/dl)1.4 (0.6–7.9)1.2 (0.4–2.7)1.3 (0.4–7.9)
SGOT (IU/l)374.7 (14–5852)193.9 (17–513)301.5 (14–5852)
SGPT (IU/l)309.2 (14–4983)139.0 (21–512)240.3 (14–4983)
Serum albumin (gm/dl)3.5 (2.5–4.7)2.9 (1.9–4.8)3.3 (1.9–4.8)
PT control (secs)16.2 (12–39)17.3 (12–24)16.7 (12–39)
INR1.3 (1–3.2)1.4 (1–2.2)1.3 (1–3.2)
aPTT30.2 (20–48)35.1 (18–55)32.2 (18–55)
Urea (mg/dl)24 (10–68)46.9 (13–187)33.3 (10–187)
Creatinine (mg/dl)0.6 (0.3–1.6)0.7 (0.3–2.6)0.6 (0.3–2.6)
Sodium (meq/l)137.6 (132–148)134.0 (124–140)136.1 (124–148)
Potassium (meq/l)9.2 (2.7–139)4.0 (2.9–5.5)7.1 (2.7–139)
CPK-MB (U/l)25 (10–117)29 (11–82)26 (10–117)
CRP quantitative (mg/dl)34.4 (3.2–184.1)63.7 (0.3–183.5)46.3 (0.3–184.1)

PCV: packed cell volume; SGOT: serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; SGPT: serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase; PT: prothrombin time; INR: international normalized ratio; aPTT: activated partial thromboplastin time; CPK-MB: creatine phosphokinase (MB form); CRP: C-reactive protein.