Review Article

Epithelial Antimicrobial Peptides: Guardian of the Oral Cavity

Table 1

Comparison of chief characteristics of oral epithelial antimicrobial peptides.

Human β-defensinsCathelicidin (LL-37) Calprotectin Adrenomedullin

Genes DEFB1 on chromosome 8 EFB4 on chromosome 8 DEFB103 on chromosome 8 CAMP gene on chromosome 3 Dimer of two peptides MRP8 and MRP14 encoded by genes S100A8 and S100A9, respectively, on chromosome 1 Adrenomedullin (ADM) gene located on chromosome 11

Number of amino acids 36–47 41 45 37 MRP8: 93
MRP14: 114

Secondary structure Antiparallel β-pleated sheet stabilization via three intramolecular disulphide bonds formed between six cysteine amino acids Random coil in aqueous solutions with intramolecular hydrogen bonding forms a α-helix secondary structure Noncovalently complexed heterodimer of MRP8 and MRP14. Each monomer has helix-loop-helix calcium ion binding domain, EF hands, and a hinge region Amino acid chain with a single disulphide bridge between residues 16 and 21

Expression in oral cavity Oral mucosa, gingiva, and tongue epithelium along with salivary glands Orogranulocytes, inflamed gingival tissues, buccal mucosa, and tongue epithelium Oral epithelium, sulcular epithelium, and immune cells Oral epithelium along with salivary gland epithelium and immune cells

Mechanism of antimicrobial action Upon interaction with anion lipids of bacterial cell membrane leads to formation of multimeric pores and permeation of the membrane Overlaps bacterial cell membrane in a carpet-like manner and dissolves it similar to detergent Binds with trace metal ions essential for microbial functioning, thus inhibiting microbial growth Promotes intramembranous pore formation in bacterial cell membrane

Antimicrobial spectra Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, enveloped viruses and fungi Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria including many periopathogens Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria including periopathogen P. gingivalis. Antifungal and antiviral activity Acts against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria of oral cavity, lacking antifungal activity, antiviral activity unknown