Research Article

A Nest of LTR Retrotransposons Adjacent the Disease Resistance-Priming Gene NPR1 in Beta vulgaris L. U.S. Hybrid H20

Table 1

Several LTR retrotransposons discovered within a TE nest, in addition to Coe1 [7], by LTR_STRUC analysis of a sugarbeet genomic BAC carrying NPR1.


Length of RTR10 833 bp11 565 bp5395 bp (before two TE insertions)14 531 bp
Length of LTR1372 bp2561 bp780 bp169 bp
5 LTR-3 LTR Identity (%)99.3%100.0%99.0%96.4%
Number of open reading frames (ORFs)2123
5 beginning and 3 end of flanking region (duplication)ATTTTCGCTCGCTTGCTACT
Class & domains presentCopia-like Integrase and RTase domainsAll domains expected of a complete Gypsy-like retrotransposonPutative RT domainsCoe1 [7], class II within a class I, DNA transposase/Copia-like RTase pseudogene