Review Article

SNP Discovery through Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Applications

Table 1

List of most cited/used software for sequence assembly of NGS data. Source locations for these software are compiled in Table 4.

Name (current version)Assembly typeSupported parametersOutput formatPlatform
(algorithm)Color spaceRead lengthGapped alignmentPaired-end

CLC-Bio1Reference2YesArbitraryYesYesCLC-BioLinux/Windows/Mac OS X
SeqMan NGen1Reference2YesArbitraryYesYesACE, BAMWindows/Mac OS X
Windows/Mac OS X
Bowtie (2)Reference (FM-index)YesArbitraryYesYesSAMLinux/Windows/Mac OS X
BWAReference (FM-index)YesArbitraryYesYesSAMLinux
SOAP (3)Reference (FM-index)YesArbitraryNoYesSOAP2/3Linux
MAQ (0.6.6)Reference (Hashing reads)Yes≤127YesYesMAQLinux/Solaris/Mac OS X
Novoalign (2.07.07)Reference
(Hashing reference)
YesArbitraryYesYesSAMLinux/Mac OS X
Mosaik (1.1.0018)Reference
(Hashing reference)
YesArbitraryYesYesSAMLinux/Windows/Mac OS X/Solaris
SHRiMP (2.2.2)Reference
(Hashing reference)
YesArbitraryYesYesSAMLinux/Mac OS X
Mira (3.4)Reference2YesArbitraryYesYesFASTA, ACELinux

Commercial software. 2Option for de novo assembly and modules included for variant calling.