Research Article

Antiepileptic Effects of Lacosamide Loaded Polymers Implanted Subdurally in GAERS

Figure 1

Schematic diagram illustrating the positioning of epidural recording screw electrodes (1–4), reference electrode (R) and polymer (a); picture of the actual surgery (b); timeline of the study design: for a minimum of three days after surgery the rats were monitored for weight loss once a day and for mobility and grooming twice a day. Thirty-minute electroencephalogram recording began at day 7 or 8 after surgery and for the following 7 weeks on 3 days per week. For each rat, the mean desired values (number of SWDs, duration of one SWD, or cumulative duration of SWDs over 30 min) were calculated for eight recording blocks, each block being 1 week of duration.