Research Article

Assessment of Bacterial Load in Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Bottled Water Marketed in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Table 3

Association between microbiological parameters (as per DFTQC guideline), the volume of bottled water.

SnMicrobiological parametersUnscratched and undentedScratched and/or dentedPermissible value as per DFTQC guidelines

1HPC496 (6%)5146 (46%)<25 mg/L
2Coliform count496 (6%)5146(46%)Nil
3Pseudomonas spp.492 (2%)5121 (21%)NA

D=No. of water samples in which microorganisms were detected. U: unacceptable as per DFTQC guidelines; NA: not available.