Review Article

Identification of Myocardial Damage in Systemic Sclerosis: A Nuclear Cardiology Approach

Table 2

Comparison of low and high skin thickness score in patients and control subjects.

ControlLow MRSSHigh MRSS
( 10)( 10)

Age (years) n.s.
Male : female2 : 142 : 141 : 17n.s.
MRSS .0001

Myocardial perfusion imaging
Induced ischemia021n.s.
Resting hypoperfusion023n.s.

Heart rate (/min) n.s.
EF (%) n.s.
EF 55%0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (11%)n.s.
PFR (/sec) n.s.
1/3 MFR (/sec) .017
TPFR (msec) .015
TPFR/RR .002

Adapted from the results of [30]
MRSS, modified Rodnan total skin thickness score;
EF, ejection fraction; PFR, peak filling rate; 1/3 MFR, one-third mean filling rate;
TPFR, time to PFR; TPFR/RR, TPFR divided by RR interval.