Review Article

B-Cell Depletion Therapy in Systemic Sclerosis: Experimental Rationale and Update on Clinical Evidence

Table 1

Studies assessing the efficacy of RTX in SSc.

SkinLung function testsFunctional status
StudyNumber of participantsStudy typeEvaluation time point(months)Number of RTX courses
Clinical assessmenthistologic improvement (yes/no)Skin B-cell depletion

Smith et al.8Open label, uncontrolled61ImprovedYesIn 4 patientsStableStable

Lafyatis et al.15Open label, uncontrolled6/121StableYesYesStableStable

Daoussis et al.8Open label, randomized controlled122ImprovedYesYesImprovedImproved

Boselo et al.9Open label, uncontrolled6–361 (3 patients receive a second cycle)ImprovedNot reportedNoStableImproved

McGonagle et al.1Case report2Not reportedNot reportedImprovedImproved

Daoussis et al.1Case report244ImprovedImprovedYesImprovedImproved

Yu1Case report1Not reportedNot reportedImprovedImproved