Research Article

Translating Policy into Practice for Community-Based Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Targeting Professional Development Needs among Physiotherapists

Table 1

Characteristics of respondents.

CharacteristicPD survey respondents
( )

Female; n (%) 191 (70.0)
Age; mean ± SD, years36.9 ± 11.8
range (21–69)
Primary place of employment; (%)
 Private practice123 (45.1)
 Community-based health centre28 (10.3)
 Public hospital (tertiary)42 (15.4)
 Public hospital (nontertiary)28 (10.3)
 University22 (8.1)
 Other30 (11.0)
Secondary place of employmenta; n (%)
 Private practice20 (27.0)
 Community-based health centre2 (2.7)
 Public hospital (tertiary)9 (12.2)
 Public hospital (nontertiary)3 (4.1)
 University21 (28.4)
 Other19 (25.7)
Primary clinical area of practice; (%)
 Musculoskeletal136 (49.8)
 Nonclinical28 (10.3)
 Paediatrics18 (6.6)
 Sports18 (6.6)
 Other (clinical e.g., burns, rural generalist, oncology)17 (6.2)
 Neurology17 (6.2)
 Cardiopulmonary/medical16 (5.8)
 Women’s health10 (3.7)
 Gerontology8 (2.9)
 Chronic disease/rehabilitation5 (1.2)
Qualifications higher than foundation physiotherapy degreeb; n (%) 100 (36.6)
 Graduate certificate13 (4.8)
 Clinical graduate degree40 (14.7)
 Clinical Masters28 (10.3)
 Nonclinical Graduate Degree9 (3.3)
 Masters by coursework8 (2.9)
 Masters by research12 (4.4)
 Ph.D.10 (3.7)
 Fellowship of the Australian College of Physiotherapists8 (2.9)
 Other4 (1.5)
Years of overall clinical practice experience; mean ± SD12.6 ± 11.1
range (1–45)
Current caseload includes people with RA; (%)137 (50.2)
Percentage current caseload managing consumers with RAc; mean ± SD4.5 ± 6.0
Private practices in which Government-funded Chronic Disease Management plans acceptedd; (%) 100 (72.5)

; ba number of respondents held multiple higher qualifications; ; .