Clinical Study

The Relationship between Mechanical Hyperalgesia Assessed by Manual Tender Point Examination and Disease Severity in Patients with Chronic Widespread Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 6

Variables classified according to the ICF model. Differences between groups at a tender point threshold level at 8 with the pain response cutoff set at 2 at the tender point examination.

Outcome variable TPC: 0–8TPC: 9–18 value
Mean (SD)RangeMean (SD)Range

 Muscle strength UE (PTQ extension)96.8 (30.6)38–16083.0 (37.5)7–1990.04
 Muscle strength UE (PTQ flexion)46.6 (17.9)18–8539.2 (18.3)5–840.026
 Grip strength, max.192.5 (63.61)76–304172.2 (84.6)8–4080.176
 Vitality (SF-36)26.3 (16.9)0–7021.2 (17.2)0–750.105
 Fatigue (FIQ)7.3 (2.2)1.3–108.1 (1.9)1.4–100.014
 Rest (FIQ)6.5 (2.5)0.6–107.7 (2.3)0.1–100.005
 Well-being (SF-36)55.2 (20.4)20–9255.7 (20.7)0–1000.904
 Well-being (FIQ)6.6 (2.6)0–107.5 (2.7)0–100.079
 Anxiety (FIQ)3.9 (3.6)0–104.5 (3.4)0–100.328
 Anxiety (GAD-10)17.3 (9.4)3–4219.5 (9.8)1–500.217
 Depression (FIQ)4.3 (3.4)0–103.7 (3.4)0–100.348
 Depression (MDI)21.1 (10.7)5–4521.7 (10.7)3–500.763
 Bodily pain (SF-36)29.1 (12.3)0–6022.3 (15.3)0–840.034
 Pain intensity (FIQ)6.4 (1.9)1.5–9.57.2 (1.9)0–100.021
 Muscle stiffness (FIQ)4.8 (2.9)0–9.86.5 (2.7)0–100.001
 Tiredness mobility (Mob-T)2.4 (1.8)0–61.5 (1.6)0–60.009
 Pain detection threshold (PDT)15.0 (8.4)4.2–46.211.7 (7.2)0.7–42.50.02
 Pain tolerance threshold (PTT)37.1 (14.2)12.3–72.830.7 (14.6)9.2–86.70.019
Activity and participation
 ADL ability motor (AMPS)1.29 (0.49)0.11–2.451.04 (0.49)0.04–2.820.004
 ADL ability process (AMPS)1.16 (0.37)0.53–1.861.08 (0.34)0.12–2.180.204
 Walking speed (6-MW)487.5 (127.3)142–672443.8 (111.4)95–7120.035
 Activity limitations (FIQ)4.2 (2.3)0–8.75.4 (2.2)0–90.003
 Physical functioning (SF-36)50.8 (19.3)10–8541.7 (19.9)0–950.012
 Role physical (SF 36)8.6 (20.14)0–759.9 (21.2)0–1000.733
 Role emotional (SF-36)41.2 (41.9)0–10045.7 (43.6)0–1000.57
 Social functioning (SF-36)52.1 (27.0)12.5–10047.4 (26.4)0–1000.326
 Days of sick leave pr. week (FIQ)0.89 (1.3)0–2.91.2 (1.7)0–5.70.685
 Work ability (FIQ)5.7 (2.8)1.4–8.26.8 (2.5)0–100.218
 Catastrophizing (CSQ)15.3 (8.3)0–3316.0 (8.4)0–360.628
 Perceived control over pain (CSQ)2.6 (1.4)0–52.4 (1.4)0–60.354
 Ability to decrease pain (CSQ)2.5 (1.4)0–52.3 (1.2)0–60.284
Global measures
 FIQ total54.4 (18.59)14.8–92.162.3 (18.4)2.9–97.40.018
 SF-36 PCS29.7 (7.0)15.8–43.826.5 (6.6)8.8–50.70.01
 SF-36 MCS40.1 (12.6)20.4–64.340.8 (11.9)14.9–66.60.773
 General health (SF-36)34.1 (15.6)5–7731.2 (18.5)0–970.4

GAD-10: generalized anxiety disorder; MDI: major depression inventory; SF-36: short-form-36 health survey; FIQ: fibromyalgia impact questionnaire; SF-36 PCS: SF-36 physical composite score; PTQ: peak torque; SF-36 MCS: SF-36 mental composite score; CSQ: coping strategy questionnaire; AMPS: assessment of motor and process skills; Mob-T: mobility tiredness; 6-MW: 6-minute walk.