Research Article

The Reliability of a Novel Automated System for ANA Immunofluorescence Analysis in Daily Clinical Practice

Table 1

Visual versus automated detection of antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. Crosstabulation of the results of the visual (gold standard) versus automated interpretation of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) for 336 serum samples utilizing the ANA-IIF-assay 2.

Visual interpretation (gold standard)Automated interpretation, n (%)

Negative78 (95)125 (71)2 (3)205 (61)
Ambiguous3 (4)30 (17)9 (12)42 (13)
Positive1 (1)21 (12)67 (86)89 (26)

Total82 (100)176 (100)78 (100)336 (100)