Research Article

Evaluation of Vitamin D Status in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Its Association with Disease Activity across 15 Countries: “The COMORA Study”

Table 1

Demographic and disease characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis patients.


Age (years)57.9 ± 12.8 18–88]
Female sex1172 (82.9)
High educational level
(≥secondary)950 (67.2)
BMI (kg/m2)26.3 ± 5 15–53.1]
Current/past smoking214 (15.1)
Disease duration (years)8.3 (3.6–15.2)
DAS 283.5 ± 1.4 0–8.2]
Disease activity
 High231 (16.3)
 Moderate576 (40.8)
 Low208 (14.7)
 Remission398 (28.2)
Vitamin D level27.3 ± 15.1 0.1–151]
HAQ1 ± 0.6 0.4–1]
Glucocortocoid therapy intake691 (48.9)
Current dose of glucocortocoid (mg/day)0 0–5]
Immunosuppressor17 (1.2)
APS238 (16.8)
Salazopyrin70 (4.9)
Golds57 (4)
Methotrexate763 (54)
Biotherapy173 (12.2)
Hypertension494 (35)
Diabetes133 (9.4)
Cancer42 (3)
Lung diseases110 (7.8)
Renal diseases40 (2.8)
Anemia and blood diseases165 (11.8)
Hepatitis B39 (2.8)
Hepatitis C18 (1.3)
Liver diseases51 (3.6)
Ulcer and stomach diseases166 (11.8)

Mean ± DS; number and percentage; median; BMI: body mass index; DAS28: Disease Activity Score using 28 joints; HAQ: health assessment questionnaire; APS: antimalarial drug, DMARDs: Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs.