Clinical Study

Body Mass Index and Pregnancy Outcome after Assisted Reproduction Treatment

Table 1

Distribution of the studied women by body mass index in relation to their characteristics.

CharacteristicsBody mass index (kg/m2) value
( )
( )
( )

Age (years) 0.001*
Infertility duration (years) 0.001*
Cycle length (days) 0.03*
FSH (MIU/mL) 0.78
LH 0.004*
PRL** 0.45
E2 (pg/mL) 0.82
Endometrial thickness 0.68
HCG days 0.10
Number of embryo transfer 0.99
Infertility type
 Primary46 (15%)158 (53%)94 (32%)0.41
 Secondary5 (10%)26 (50%)20 (40%)

Luteinizing hormone.
**Prolactin hormone.