Research Article

Women’s Satisfaction of Maternity Care in Nepal and Its Correlation with Intended Future Utilization

Table 2

Percentage of the mothers by level of satisfaction with perinatal care ().

DimensionVery satisfiedSatisfiedMean satisfaction scoreStandard deviation

 Waiting time27.952.53.90.95
Interpersonal communication aspects
 Information received11.
 Politeness of staff12.869.93.90.64
Physical environment
 Assurance of confidentiality
 Cleanliness of facility7.
Decision making
 Involvement in decision making8.968.33.80.65
Technical aspect
 Level of skill of provider17.367.64.00.62
 Care at facility12.972.83.90.60

The satisfaction score was constructed by giving scores: fully satisfied = 5; satisfied = 4; neutral = 3; dissatisfied = 2; and fully dissatisfied = 1.