Clinical Study

Determining the Optimal Duration of Progesterone Supplementation prior to Transfer of Cryopreserved Embryos and Its Impact on Implantation and Pregnancy Rates: A Pilot Study

Table 2

Some studies dealing with estrogen/progesterone supplementation to prepare endometrium before transfer of cryopreserved-thawed embryos.

ReferenceTransfer of the following:Estrogen preparation by the following:Progesterone preparation by the following:Days of progesterone exposure

Muasher et al., 1991 [9]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesIntramuscular progesterone3
Pattinson et al., 1992 [10]Day 2 embryosEstradiolVaginal progesterone3
Pattinson et al., 1994 [11] Day 2 embryosEstradiolVaginal progesterone3
Lelaidier et al., 1995 [12]BlastocystsEstradiolVaginal progesterone5
Queenan et al., 1997 [13]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesIntramuscular progesterone3
Queenan et al., 1997 [14]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesIntramuscular progesterone3
Horne et al., 1997 [15]Day 2 embryosEstradiol valerateVaginal progesterone4
Simon et al., 1998 [16]Day 2-3 embryosEstradiolVaginal progesterone2-3
Simon et al., 1999 [17]Day 2-3 embryosEstradiolVaginal progesterone2-3
Banz et al., 2002 [18]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesVaginal progesterone3
Seelig et al., 2002 [19]Day 2 embryosEstradiol valerateVaginal progesterone3
Schröder et al., 2003 [20]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesVaginal progesterone3
Dal Prato et al., 2002 [21]Day 2 embryosEstradiol patchesIntramuscular progesterone3
Boldt et al., 2003 [22]Day 3 embryosEstradiolIntramuscular progesterone3
Revel et al., 2004 [23]Day 3 embryosEstradiolVaginal progesterone3

Source: Nawroth and Ludwig [6].