Research Article

Birth Intervals and Associated Factors among Women Attending Young Child Clinic in Yumbe Hospital, Uganda

Table 5

Predictors of short birth intervals among study respondents.

VariableNumber (and %) of women with the birth intervalUnadjusted OR (95% CI) valueAOR (95% CI) value
<24 months
≥24 months

 35-446 (21.4)22 (78.6)1.01.0
 25-3481 (51.9)75 (48.1)3.96 (1.52-10.30)0.0053.39 (1.18-9.74)0.024
 15-2468 (60.7)44 (39.3)5.67 (2.13-15.09)0.0014.39 (1.49-12.93)0.007
Sex of second last born child
 Female68 (46.3)79 (53.7)11
 Male87 (58.4)62 (41.6)0.54 (0.32–0.93)0.0270.61 (0.35–1.05)0.077
Pregnancy wanted
 No115 (68.0)54 (32.0)1.01.0
 Yes40 (31.5)87 (68.5)0.22 (0.13-0.35)<0.0010.33 (0.18-0.58)<0.001
Decide together with husband when to have child
 Never54 (36.7)28 (21.2)1.01.0
 Sometimes53 (36.1)34 (24.8)4.43 (2.16–9.07)<0.0012.84 (1.32–6.11)<0.008
 Always40 (27.2)74 (54.0)3.75 (1.88–7.47)<0.0013.10 (1.53–6.28)0.002
Contraceptive use before next pregnancy
 Never86 (62.3)52 (37.7)1.01.0
 Sometimes57 (53.3)50 (46.7)0.69 (0.41-1.15)0.1550.59 (0.32-1.08)0.085
 Always12 (23.5)39 (76.5)0.19 (0.09-0.39)<0.0010.28 (0.12-0.64)0.003
Influence of husband on when to the next baby
 No86 (58.1)62 (41.9)1.01.0
 Yes60 (46.1)74 (53.9)2.68 (1.51–4.76)0.0012.59 (1.44–4.64)0.001