Research Article

Intimate Partner Violence in Pregnancy: Knowledge and Experiences of Pregnant Women and Controlling Behavior of Male Partners in Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria

Table 3

Experience of women on various forms of IPV during pregnancy.

VariablesFrequency (%)

Have you ever experienced IPV during pregnancy?
 Yes79 (30.4%)
 No181 (69.6%)
If yes, during which pregnancy was IPV experienced?
 First26 (32.9%)
 Subsequent pregnancies53 (67.1%)
Was the pregnancy you experienced IPV desired and planned for?
 Yes217 (83.5%)
 No43 (16.5%)
Number of times you ever experienced IPV during pregnancy?
 Once13 (16.5%)
 Twice9 (11.4%)
 More than twice5 (6.3%)
 Frequently52 (65.8%)
Magnitude of intimate partner violence during pregnancy compared to outside pregnancy
 More frequent7 (8.8%)
 Less44 (55.7%)
 Same28 (35.4%)
Type of physical violence experienced during pregnancy
 Pushing, shoving, pulling hair, or slapping14 (17.8%)
 Kick on the abdomen, beating, or choking58 (73.4%)
 Thrown something at, attempted burning7 (8.8%)
Has your partner ever insulted or made you feel bad?
 Yes78 (30%)
 No182 (70%)
Did your partner ever belittle or humiliate you before people
 No199 (76.5%)
Has your partner/husband ever taken your earnings or savings against your will?
 Yes48 (18.5%)
 No212 (81.5%)
Has your partner ever refused to give you money for household expenses?
 Yes78 (30%)
 No182 (70%)
Have you ever been forced by your partner to have sexual intercourse by threatening you or withholding certain things?
 Yes39 (15%)
 No221 (85%)
Do you agree to have sexual intercourse with your partner when you do not want to?
 Yes110 (42.3%)
 No150 (57.7%)