Research Article

Factors Associated with Modern Contraceptive Use among Married Women Attending Comprehensive Health Centers (CHCs) in Kandahar, Afghanistan

Table 2

Reproductive variables of married women attending comprehensive health centers in Kandahar, Afghanistan, 2019 ().

VariableFrequencyPercentage (%)

Age at marriage
1. <1816550.8
2. ≥1816049.2
Years in marriage
1. <57422.8
2. ≥525177.2
Number of living children
1. No child154.6
2. 1 to 416651.1
3. 5 or more14444.3
Age at the 1st child
1. <1811737.5
2. ≥1819362.5
Child mortality experience
1. Yes5316.3
2. No27283.7
Antenatal care visits
1. Yes25076.9
2. No7523.1
Postnatal care visits
1. Yes27183.4
2. No5416.6