Research Article

The Role of FSHR SNPs and AMH in Follicular Fluid and Serum in Ovarian Response during COS: A Pilot Study

Table 1

Clinical and biochemical characteristics of women of three groups based on the genotype for the polymorphism Ser680Asn of FSH-R. Values in bold are statistically significant ( value ≤ 0.05). One-way analysis of variance (Kruskal Wallis).

ParametersSer/Ser ()Asn/Asn ()Ser/Asn () value

Years of infertility0.076
FSH (mIU/l)0.019
Serum AMH (ng/ml)0.477
Follicular AMH (ng/ml)0.186
sAMH/ffAMH (ng/ml)0.096
LH (mIU/l)0.562
E2 on day of hCG (pg/ml)0.152
Number of follicles0.094
Number of oocytes0.09
Number of mature oocytes0.035
Number of fertilized oocytes0.026
Fertilization rate0.021