Research Article

Minimising Unnecessary Mastectomies in a Predominantly Chinese Community

Table 3

List of patients with posttreatment events.

PresentationTreatmentTime to local recurrenceTime to distant recurrenceTreatment for recurrenceComments/outcome

T3N1Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, BCT, RTFour months NilMastectomyDisease-free at 57 months

T3N2Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, mastectomy, RTNil35 months, visceral, bonyChemotherapySuccumbed at 42 months

T2N2BCT, adjuvant chemotherapy, RT33 months33 months, visceralDeclined treatmentLost to follow-up

T3N3Disease progression during neoadjuvant chemotherapy, mastectomy, RT8 months15 months, CNSDeclined further chemotherapy, VP shuntSuccumbed at 20 months

T3N1Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, BCT, RTNil9 months, CNSDeclined further chemotherapyDied 13 months after surgery

T3N0Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, BCT, RTNil12 months, CNSChemotherapyDied 19 months after surgery

BCT: breast conservation treatment.
RT: radiotherapy.
CNS: recurrence in the central nervous system.