Review Article

A Review of the Literature on Extrarenal Retroperitoneal Angiomyolipoma

Table 1

A table of reported cases of extrarenal retroperitoneal angiomyolipoma.

CaseReferencePresentationAge (years)/

1Friis and Hjortrup 1982 [5] Pain and weight gain22/
11 kilogramsIntravenous urographyPeripancreatic spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/36 months

2 Randazzo et al. 1987 [6] Pain and bleeding64/
6 cubic cmsIVU and CT scanRight perinephric spaceRenal sparing surgeryAsymptomatic/2 months

3Ditonno et al. 1992 [7] Pain and bleeding37/
5 cmIVU and CT scan and angiographyRight perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyDetails not available

4Peh et al. 1994 [8] Abdominal mass and weight loss32/
3.7 kilograms (7980 cubic cms)Ultrasound scan and CT scanLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/8 months

5 Angulo et al. 1994 [9] Abdominal pain and flank pain53/
336 cubic cmsUltrasound scan, CT scan, and angiographyLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyDetails not available

6Gupta and Guleria 2011 [10] Abdominal pain42/
220 cubic cms.Ultrasound scan and CT scanRight adrenal spaceRenal sparing resectionDetails not available

7Liwnicz et al. 1994 [11] Abdominal pain39/
1.1 kilograms (216 cubic cm)CT scanRight perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/18 months

8Law et al. 1994 [12] Incidental finding59/
22.5 cubic cm CT scan and MRI scanLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyDetails not available

9Law et al. 1994 [12] Pain56/
11 cmIVU, CT Scan, ultrasound and fine needle aspirationLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/8 months

10Mogi et al. 1998 [13] Abdominal fullness and pain41/
648 cubic cmCT scan and MRI scanRight perinephric space and perihepatic spaceRenal sparing resection of massDetails not available

11Murphy et al. 2000 [14] Abdominal pain and bleeding51/
Details not describedCT scan and angiographyLeft perinephric spaceSelective angiography embolizationAsymptomatic/12 months

12Tsutsumi et al. 2001 [15] Abdominal pain and fatigue (lethargy)60/
3.5 kilograms (4840 cubic cm)CT scan and angiographyRight perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/60 months

13Tseng et al. 2004 [16] Fullness of abdomen35/
2.8 kilograms (3726 cubic cm)Ultrasound scan, CT scan and angiographyRight perinephric spaceRenal sparing resectionDetails not available

14Obara et al. 2005 [17] Visible haematuria31/
Details not documentedCT scan and angiographyRight perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyDetails not available

15Gupta et al. 2007 [4] Abdominal pain80/
16 cmCT scan and MRI scanLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyDistant metastases in bone and liver/12 months

16Minja et al. 2012 [18] Asymptomatic39/
1.7 kilograms (2898 cubic cm)Ultrasound scan/CT scanLeft perinephric spaceRadical nephrectomyAsymptomatic/16 months

17Lee et al. 2003 [19] Increasing abdominal circumference and urinary frequency35/
24 cm × 21 cm × 16 cmCT scanRight retroperitoneal region displacing right kidney to leftWide excision with preservation of kidney (kidney sparing resection of mass) Asymptomatic/4 months

18Soni et al. 2013 [20] Left sided abdominal pain33/
9.3 cm × 6.1 cm × 7.7 cmCT scanLeft pararenal retroperitoneal spaceKidney preservation excision of massFollow-up information was not available

19Ivanova et al. 2014 [21] Right sided lumbar ache33/
10 cm × 6 cmRadiological imaging type not availableRight retroperitoneal spaceKidney preserving resection Follow-up information was not available

20Welling et al. 2012 [22] Incidental finding of staging FDG PET/CT scan for melanoma of right flank38/
Hypermetabolic extrarenal mass size not availableFDG PET/CT scan done as staging CT for melanomaLeft retroperitoneal spaceDetails of surgery not availableFollow-up information not available

21Fegan et al. 1997 [23] Details not availableDetails not availableDetails not availableDetails not availableExtrarenal retroperitoneal details not availableDetails not availableDetails not available

22Lau et al. 2003 [24] Details not availableDetails not availableDetails not availableDetails not available Extrarenal retroperitoneal details not availableDetails not availableMetastases reported in the abstract to the liver and mediastinum (the questions needed to be asked: are the lesions true metastases? Or are they de novo primaries in the liver and mediastinum? If they are metastases then should angiomyolipoma not be classified as malignant tumours?)

23Wen et al. 2014 [25] History of tuberous sclerosis and left renal AML had preoperative embolization plus left nephrectomy 15 years earlier. Presented with loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, and palpable mass in abdomen45/
Large right extrarenal retroperitoneal mass and lesions in other sites CT scanRight retroperitoneal AML and lesions elsewhereRadical excision of mass sparing the kidneyAsymptomatic at 1-year follow-up (in view of the fact that patients with tuberous sclerosis have a tendency to develop lesions in multiple sites, it would be argued that the ERAML that developed 15 years later was a de novo lesion rather than metastatic lesion. On the contrary other people could argue that perhaps the lesion was a late metastatic lesion).

24Wang et al. 1997 [26] Abdominal pain and weight loss plus spontaneous bleeding in the tumour48/
Size not availableCT scanLeft retroperitoneal spaceLeft nephrectomy together with excision of the massFollow-up information not available

25 Daniel et al. 2010 [27] Details not available34/
LargeNo available information on imagingLeft retroperitoneal spaceFollow-up details not available

26 Vîlcea et al. 2015 [28] Irreducible right inguinofemoral mass considered to be irreducible hernia 65/
Large; 15 cm × 25 cmCT scan and intravenous urographyLarge right retroperitoneal mass down to inguinal femoral canal and pushing away nearby organs Wide excisionAsymptomatic/7 years

27Mansi et al. 2002 [29] Details not availableDetails not availableDetails not available but largeDetails not availableRetroperitoneal but details not availableDetails not available

28Ahmad et al. 2006 [30] Right back pain44/
14 cm × 10 cm × 6 cmMRI scan; CT guided biopsy of massRight retroperitonealExcision of the mass Follow-up details not available

29Molina et al. 2001 [31] Spontaneous abortion in first pregnancy associated with complications; diagnosis was incidentally made during imaging investigations28/
Size not availableUltrasound scan and CT scanLeft retroperitoneumExcision of massFollow-up information not available

30Medina et al. 2002 [32] Abdominal distension25/
 sex of patient not available
Large extending from pelvis to umbilical regionUltrasound scan and CT scan and radiological imaging biopsyRetroperitoneal space extending from pelvis to umbilical regionDetails of treatment not availableFollow-up details not available