Research Article

Using Action Research and Peer Perspectives to Develop Technology That Facilitates Behavioral Change and Self-Management in COPD

Table 1

Focus group participant profile.

Participants (32)

Gender breakdown 47% male, 53% female

MeanStandard deviationRange

Average age678.4446–78

Medical coverage Have complete medical cards (84%)
Covered by medical card for GP consultations (75%)
Covered for medications and prescriptions (47%)
Covered by private health insurance in their own name (34%)
Covered through a family member (6%)

Past medical history breakdown (%) TIA/stroke (3%)
Heart disease (16%)
Hypertension (38%)
Diabetes (6%)
High cholesterol (22%)
Anxiety and depression (31%)
Other (47%)

Accommodation support (%) Lived alone (38%); lived with nondependents (56%); lived with dependents (6%)

Smoking cessation (%) Did smoke but have quit (78%); still smoke (9%); nonresponders (13%)

Perceived health status (%) Fair (41%); average (41%); poor (13%); good (13%)

Independence rating (%) Required some assistance (63%); fully independent (31%); nonresponders (3%)

Carer support (%) Spouse (47%); children (9.4%); friend (3.1%); partner (3.1%); other (12.5%); remainder—nonrespondents

Obtaining information (%) Books/newspapers/magazines (21%); Internet (12.5%); Digital Recordings (6%); health professionals (69%); alternative sources (25%)

Confidence in self-management (%) Yes (72%); no (29%)

ICT use (%) Standard mobile phone (91%); smart phone (25%); desktop home computer (25%); laptop (25%)

Internet connectivity (%) Have access to Internet based resources (50%); have access to an Internet connection (53%); use Internet daily (25%); use Internet a few times a week (9%); use Internet a few times per month (6%)

Confidence in ICT use (%) Fully confident (50%); partially confident (16%); neutral (12.5%); not confident (6%); nonrespondents (16%)