Research Article

An Enhanced Posture Prediction-Bayesian Network Algorithm for Sleep Posture Recognition in Wireless Body Area Networks

Algorithm 1

Posture prediction-Bayesian network (PP-BN).
Input  : Video V{f1, f2… fn}generate set of frames from video sequence, Buff1F, set of input videos,
      Buff2SL(F), sleep postures match with the general human pose dataset extracted from accelerometer sensor.
Output: Sleep Posture Prediction (Supine, Prone, Right Lateral Recumbent, and Left Lateral Recumbent).
Start  : Read the input video:
     Buff1 = Read (video.avi)
     Ff1, f2….fn          //frame extraction
     # Where Buff1 is the storage space to store the video frames.
Iterate : a=1: x ;b=1:y
     Fk (a,b)Articulate the frames to 64 x 64 pixel resolution
     Ha,b = f(a,b)
      Calculate the threshold values
          # H is the NULL pulse point
          # G is the 2D- Gaussian Kernel Coefficient.
          # Synchronize the Heartbeat rate with normalized sleep postures
       # Object detection based on P-HOG object detector
        # Update the buffer with noiseless sleep posture frames
        # Estimate the upcoming postures based on the predecessor
end Iterate
       # Use Bayesian Networks to predict the successive postures from the previous positions