Research Article

Introduction of Telemedicine in a Prehospital Emergency Care Setting: A Pilot Study

Table 5

Details of prehospital emergency physician (PHP) actions/decisions.

PHP missionsTele-PHP (49)On-site-PHP (403)Total (452)

PHP actions/decisions°17 (34%)267 (66%)284 (63%)
Therapy (; percentage)°6 (12%)122 (30%)128 (28%)
(i) IV hydration077
(ii) Toxic antagonist011
(iii) Painkillers01414
(iv) Antiarrhythmic044
(v) Antihypertensive044
(vi) Antiplatelet anticoagulation11112
(vii) Sedation02020
(viii) Bronchodilator189
(ix) Vasopressor01919
(x) Glucose044
(xi) Other treatment41721
Medical decision°15 (30%)122 (30%)137 (30%)
(i) ECG analysis22224
(ii) Diagnosis1390103
(iii) Patient orientation01010
Technical gesture°1 (2%)66 (16%)67 (15%)
(i) Ventilation01010
(ii) Intubation02121
(iii) Defibrillation022
(iv) Pneumothorax exsufflation011
(v) External pacing022
(vi) Cardioversion022
(vii) Thoracotomy000
(viii) Leadership12930
Legal aspect°0 (0%)72 (18%)72 (16%)
(i) Death certificate04646
(ii) Leave the patient on site01111
(iii) Privation of liberty01515
(iv) Decision not to reanimate a patient02323

49 tele-PHP missions performed including five tele-PHP missions dispatched after first evaluation at the paramedics’ request. Cancelled missions and missions with connection issues (6) are excluded. 403 on-site PHP mission performed including 44 on-site PHP missions dispatched after first evaluation at the paramedics’ request and the three tele-PHP switched to on-site PHP mission. Cancelled missions are excluded. °Missions can have more than one added value such as do not attempt to resuscitate or termination of resuscitation and establishing a death certificate. ECG: electrocardiogram; IV: intravenous.